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Regular Services

We meet each Sunday at 10 a.m.. We’d love to see you in person, but you can also join by Google Meet or phone. Either way we hope to provide engaging, thoughtful worship incorporating worship songs and prayer.

In person you’ll always receive a warm welcome and cake! Children are always a joy and there is always an child friendly activity prepared. 

Breakfast Church

On the third Sunday of each month, we have Breakfast church. That means activities for all ages and lively discussion on the topics of the day....or just a catch up.  All accompanied by bacon, sausage and egg rolls (don’t worry we have red and brown sauce).

Special Services

At Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day, Pentecost and Covenant, our services will be different - relevant to the season.


Once each quarter we hold an evening service with a live band, modern worship songs and a specific, thought-provoking theme. Please email for the next date.

As a church within the Sheffield Methodist Circuit each week’s service is led by a Minister, Local Preacher, or Worship Leader following the church lectionary.  As an inclusive church our preachers share this vision and promote justice in their teaching. At least once a month we come together at God's table and share communion.

Forthcoming preachers 

  • 1st  September: Our new minister Rev Sean Adair (with communion) 
  • 8th September:    Rev Rodney Hill
  • 15th September: Elaine Bellamy
  • 21st September: Own arrangement (David)
  • 28th September: Deacon Annabel Terry
  • 6th October:          Our minister Rev Sean Adair (with communion)
  •  13th October:      Iain Cloke
  • 20th October:       United Service with our sister church in Renishaw with our minister Rev Sean Adair
  •  27th October:      Local Arrangement


Own arrangement services are led by one of our stewards/worship leaders